Do you know what is meme? Well actually it's a pain in d ass to explain every single things to you, but for the sake of our bloggership (kunun) i am more than willing to explain it to you, haha.
Meme is actually based on rage comics or web comics, rage comics they are special because at their core they consist of well known faces or expressions which are meant to show universal emotions of varying degrees under a wide variety of circumstances.
If you really are a fan of 9GAG or a hardcore FB user, you will not be unfamiliar with these meme@comics, you will also notice lot of people using these meme, as if it's become a trend nowaday. Well, now..there's a ton of meme out there but only a few that really tickles me :D ..such as...
Homophobic seal
About: Homophobic Seal (also known as “Gay Seal”) is a web comic character that is known for its catchphrase “GAAAAAAYYYY.” It is often added on to the bottom of an image to dismiss everything above as naive, weak or saccharine.
You Don't Say
About: “You Don’t Say?” is a rage comic face based on Nicholas Cage's face that is used as a sarcastic response to an obvious observation or statement.
HAHAHA..:D that's all!
thanks for explain that ;D
Haha how can one not like meme. Its hilarious most of the time specially that gay seal.
9gag sure made my day most of the time xD
nGiau: no sweat, thx 4 visiting. :D
DC: i know right? GAYYYYY~..hahaha.
aku x paham la..yang aku paham kau gay kan oyen
benfaze: hahaha..ben jgn menyakitkan hati kawan ben..ingat motto ko.haha.
9gag bikin saya hilang mengantuk ok. Siappa yang kaki online but still xtau meme mmg rugiii
haha thx for linking me to the gay seal :p hahaha! i salute whoever made this meme trend..hilarious! haha
haha. i always read this meme(s) whenever i feel bored or have nothing to do. and i laughed alone, *not forever alone* coz it's just too hilarious and damn yeah, most of it really happened in our daily life.. haha.
p/s: lama tidak melawat ko sini. hihi
The You Dont Say meme is what I think one of the most used rage faces ever. LOL.
Happy Tuesday!
cinoi: setuju gan ko cinoi..sepa2 nda tau meme ni mmg dia ketinggalan zaman la..haha.
aemy: haha! GAAAAAAYYYY~ :P
millerJ: yup..true story! :D
arms: don't say? haha.
sa bru tau psl 9gag yesterday..time buka fb, ada la post dr 1suara sabah (if im not mistaken)psl gmbr PM susun bata salah..huhu..
sa jrg on9 jd mmg susa mau tau kwujudan benda ni..hihih
tenkiu oyen!
lama tak jenguk blog ko. oh sah ko gay =)
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